• The Annual Professional Performance Review process is a state-mandated evaluation plan for teachers and principals. This plan has a series of requirements that changed in the 2016-17 school year. These changes, denote APPR 3012-d, can be viewed in their entirety in our NYSED-approved Plan by click this link: Scarsdale Annual Professional Performance Review.
    The Scarsdale Public Schools have a long-standing practice of providing for the supervision and evaluation of probationary and non-tenured teachers, as well as a performance evaluation system for tenured teachers. Guidelines, procedures and criteria for evaluation are set forth in our local APPR plan document, and it provides the process or method by which the APPR plan will be implemented. This document has long served as the framework for the Annual Professional Performance Review for both non-tenured and tenured teachers. Click here to access the APPR document.